First Report

We're in tears over here. Quite literally. After years of praying for another partner, for a God ordained way to expand our aid to the least served areas of Africa, we ran into ALARM (African Leadership and Reconciliation Ministries) and this month we received our first report out of Lietnhom, South Sudan. The impact is immediate and astonishing.


In May, CompassioNow board members voted unanimously to support the Lietnhom Primary Health Care Center and monies were sent over shortly thereafter. ALARM, as the overseeing body for the CompassioNow funds, used the majority of the money to purchase medicines and medical supplies. Some money was used to transport the supplies and the second largest portion was spent on stipends for health care center staff.


In the above photo, the health officer at Lietnhom Primary Health Care Center meets with a young mother and her baby. Incidences of malaria have been particularly high this winter season as have typhoid, pneumonia, skin diseases, and ulcers. How helpful it is for the center's staff to be equipped to test for and treat these different maladies.


Medicines purchased included creams for fungal and bacterial infections, over-the-counter painkillers as well as stronger painkillers, quinine and anti-malarials, plasters for setting broken bones, and anti-seizure meds. Previously, the health care center received medicines from the government; however, those medicine supplies were never adequate for an entire month. In July, the shelves were stocked for the entire month and 512 patients were helped. According to the first report from South Sudan, all 512 patients made a full recovery!


According to the report from South Sudan, the increase in medical support to the health care center has brought a new optimism to the greater Lietnhom community. Patients have recovered from their illnesses and have been able to return to work as well as to their social activities. This first report is so encouraging to us! But we also realize that more is needed. We remain hopeful that with the next quarterly payment, Lietnhom Primary Health Care Center will be able to purchase benches for patients to sit on while waiting to be seen and a computer for better record keeping.

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