Tanzania Christian Clinic
Tanazania Christian Clinic (TCC) exists to offer quality healthcare to all who are in need both physically and spiritually with the primary focus being to the Masai tribe. TCC educates healthcare providers in the treatment of tropical diseases and to alleviate sickness by treatment and prevention. Mobile medical clinics are scheduled on a regular basis to serve the outlying areas.
1000 Hills Clinic, South Africa
The 1000 Hill Community Helpers Clinic is improving the lives of children and adults infected and affected by chronic illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, TB, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Cancer, and Arthritis. Working through community and home based primary health care, this clinic also provides nutritional feeding programs, counseling and support groups.
Passion Center Community Health Network, Malawi
Based at the Passion Center for Children near the city of Zomba, the Community Health Network CHN offers new life and hope to AIDS orphans, child headed households and the elderly. The CHN consists of over 100 trained community caregivers who are dedicated to serving these disadvantaged communities – offering basic healthcare and medicines to 137 villages in the area.
Mission Medic Air, Zambia
Mission Medic Air (MMA) is composed of healthcare professionals (doctors, surgeons, dentists, eye specialist as well as mechanics to repair medical equipment) who volunteer their time to fly into isolated locations and provide support to remote medical clinics and missionary hospitals. MMA is often the only provider of medicines to a number of clinics in these Zambia locations.
Village of Hope, Uganda
A refuge of peace and hope for children who have been affected by the "Lord's Resistance Army" in Northern Uganda, CompassioNow has joined in the fight to rehabilitate these children who were abducted, abused and orphaned by this terrorist organization. Village of Hope is committed to assisting the effort to bring wholeness and restoration to these children as they enter adulthood, and create a new future for themselves, their families and their country.
Rwanda Children, Rwanda
Rwanda Children was founded to restore hope and healing to a community devastated by the 1994 Rwandan genocide. The local children receive love, food, and education daily at the center. The medical clinic supplies them and the local community with essential healthcare that is otherwise not available locally. Their goal is to heal the people spiritually as well as physically.
LietNhom Clinic, South Sudan
Located in a remote area of South Sudan, the Lietnhom clinic is the sole health clinic that has to serve over 60,000 people. Overseen by ALARM ministries, our goal is to bring health and healing (both physically and spiritually) to the Dinka tribe who have suffered years of war, violence, and poverty.
Nestled along the banks of Lake Kivu, the medical clinic at the Cyimbili Coffee Plantation in Rwanda seeks to provide quality healthcare for the area’s 14,000+ men, women, and children, many of whom work on the coffee plantation. Roughly 1200 patients visit the clinic each month, as the closest hospital is located in Gisenyi, some 24 km away, and very difficult for the local people to travel there. They receive spiritual direction and Gospel grace as the ALARM staff frequent the clinic sharing the love of Jesus.
Outside of major metropolitan areas in Burundi, access to medical care is limited. The Rev. Fulgence Yamuremye and the Rev. Dr. Gilbert Kibinakanwa, along with the support of ALARM, decided to open a clinic to serve the roughly 124,000 inhabitants of the rural areas of Bisoro, Nyarusange, and Kayokwe. Their mission is to provide “accessible, cost effective, high quality, comprehensive, primary and preventive health care to all persons regardless of their socioeconomic circumstances.” As they seek to heal, train, educate, and prevent illness, they intend to also serve the spiritual needs of the local peoples by sharing the Gospel and by serving as “Good Shepherds [who are] ready to lay down their lives for the sake of the people whenever necessary.” CompassioNow is excited to support the opening of this clinic and to see how God blesses this ministry.