Outside of major metropolitan areas in Burundi, access to medical care is limited. The Rev. Fulgence Yamuremye and the Rev. Dr. Gilbert Kibinakanwa, along with the support of ALARM, decided to open a clinic to serve the roughly 124,000 inhabitants of the rural areas of Bisoro, Nyarusange, and Kayokwe. Their mission is to provide “accessible, cost effective, high quality, comprehensive, primary and preventive health care to all persons regardless of their socioeconomic circumstances.” As they seek to heal, train, educate, and prevent illness, they intend to also serve the spiritual needs of the local peoples by sharing the Gospel and by serving as “Good Shepherds [who are] ready to lay down their lives for the sake of the people whenever necessary.” CompassioNow is excited to support the opening of this clinic and to see how God blesses this ministry.