How Many Lives in 2019?
In the last three quarters of 2019, the Primary Health Care Center in Lietnhom, South Sudan, served 4,177 patients, a dramatic increase for an area where medicines were scarce. Now that CompassioNow is supporting the clinic, medicine is available and the patients are coming!
The health clinic at Cyimbili Coffee Plantation joined the clinics CompassioNow serves late in 2019, but it accounted for 4,015 lives impacted through the work of God and CompassioNow.
Tanzania Christian Clinic is a beautiful, well-established medical clinic that has grown to also support a school and many churches. In 2019, this long-standing support for the nearby Masai peoples treated 5,970 patients, over 1000 more than last year. Each year, we provide funding for staff and medical supplies for their shelves!
At the Passion Center for Children in Malawi, the Community Health Network volunteers saw over 3,272 patients, another dramatic increase over last year. With Edwin and Often joining the team overseeing the Community Health Network, we expect to see this number continue to rise as more people are served and saved.
Mission Medic Air, Zambia operates differently than our other clinics. MMA arranges for doctors, nurses, and specialists to travel to remote villages and clinics to provide medical care on a regular basis. In short, the doctors travel to the patients rather the patients traveling to the clinic. In 2019, MMA brought medical care to roughly 1,636 people in the hardest to reach places of Zambia. CompassioNow provided tuition for a nursing student, medical supplies, and financial support for this amazing organization.
Two new doctors at Village of Hope Uganda have been overseeing the clinics at Bobi and Bweyale villages. In 2019, they treated a total of 7,336 children, bringing life-saving love and care to the children of war near Gulu.
The Hunter Hanner Community of Hope Clinic on the campus of Rwanda Children treated 6,767 adults and children in 2019. Compassion Tea and CompassioNow also provide funding for the feeding programs run by Rwanda Children to help families in jeopardy of severe malnutrition.
1000 Hills Community Helpers in South Africa treated 82,369 patients at their clinic. This number doesn't include the children and adults fed through the Meals on Wheels program! Young and old alike find health care, training, and job and life skills at 1000 Hills, a strong community serving God together!
None of this work could be accomplished without faithful supporters such as you! Thank you for enabling us to send life-saving medical supplies, to provide tuition and salaries for workers, and to support the many medical needs of places where government funds don't reach. Through the grace of God, 115,231 lives were changed! We know it is His power that multiplied our efforts and it is to Him we give thanks and praise!